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Friday, 21 November 2014

Who is he ? hecker indonesia

JAKARTA - A strained relationship between Indonesia and Australia last few days is not just happening in the real world , but the tension is also venturing into cyberspace . Interception of communications president and several state officials by Australian arouse the hackers Indonesian nationalism .Cyber ​​crime experts who are members of the Academic Forum of IT ( fait ) , Edy Winarno , said the hacking is done by hackers Indonesia is only fair because it does not interfere and does not damage the data contained in the server . Moreover , what the Indonesian hackers simply want to convey a message to Australia that the pride of the nation and state of Indonesia can not be bargained , sovereign and able to stand without assistance from the Kangaroo country .However,  according to the Chairman of the Regional Council of South Kalimantan fait , M. Syaukani , methods used should retain the Indonesian hackers hacking ethics , so that social sites such as hospitals , education and other social institutions do not come under attack . besides Hecker Indonesia is spyware86 who do not know his name to shake in the virtual world.
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